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How to Stay Focus After Thanksgiving Break

The best parts of Thanksgiving are getting a few days off from school, spending time with family and, of course the FOOD! Once Thanksgiving is over, school is back in session! It is basically crunch-time after Thanksgiving break and before winter break. It's hard to stay focus before winter break! Here are 3 ways to stay focused before the winter break.

1. Plan Ahead

Take your planner, calendar, or notepad out and write down all of the upcoming assignments, tests, and important tasks. Next, find time to schedule in each of the assignments, tests, important task and stick to working on them.

2. Stick to A Sleep Schedule

Lacking sleep does not help you focus. In fact, it can have a negative effect on your memory and learning. Forget about pulling all-night study sessions and take care of your health. Make sure to set a bedtime and keep a routine.

3. Eat the Right Foods

What you eat can play a huge role in your energy! Eating junk food can make you feel tired and sluggish. I know during the week of finals, its easier and less stressful to order takeout! However, planning healthy meals ahead of finals can make it easier to eat the right foods!

Following these tips will help you focus before winter break. Don't forget to let loose and have fun! It's always important to stay positive! So go out, experience the winter activities before break!

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